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Crawford, John. The Learning, Wit, and Wisdom of Shakespeare's Renaissance Women.  Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1997. Print. (Cited in "Examples of women's wit and wisdom,""Elizabethan women: smarter than you think")

Klein, Joan Larsen. "Lady Macbeth: "Infirm of Purpose."  The Women's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Caroline Lenz. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1980. 240-255. Print. (Cited in "The women's part: Shakespeare's feminist leanings")

Lenz, Caroline. The Women's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Print.
Levin, Richard. "Women in the Renaissance Theater Audience." Shakespeare Quarterly. 40.2 (1989): 165-174. Web. (Cited in "Shakespeare's feminine audience"
Pittock, M. "The Problem of Henry V." Neophilologus. 93. 1 (2009): 175-190. Web. (Cited in "Henry V: War Criminal?"
Rackin, Phyllis. Shakespeare and Women. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print. (Cited in "The women's part: Shakespeare's feminist leanings," "Shakespeare's female influences: Queen Elizabeth," "Shakepeare's female influences: his family and wife," 
Slights, Jessica. "Rape And The Romanticization Of Shakespeare's Miranda." Studies In English Literature 1500-1900. 41.2 (2001): 357-379. Web. (Cited in "Miranda: chaste, silent, and obedient?"